What salary does a flight attendant make?

The average Flight Attendant salary is $53,210. In, a Flight Attendant can make $66,700, which is 25.4% higher than the national median. New flight attendants who work for major carriers start out making $18,000-$20,000 a year. Flight attendants at smaller airlines and regional carriers? They make even less. Factor in the layovers and the time away from home, and it looks more like minimum wage than $25 an hour. In the US, the salary with some carriers is as low as USD$20,000. In the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam salaries can be as low as USD$6000 PA.In the Middle East, cabin crewbase salary is as low as USD$5000 PA.For those who have been on work contracts for decades, cabin crew, purser salaries can range as high as USD45, 000 PA.

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